
Transforming IdeasInto RealityCreating new stuff for the the web since 2020.

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Reactivus I felt in love for creating reusable components, in some point when using the same component in multiple projects
I felt needed for a method to update and release new versions more easily. So I created this library for me and for those
who want to use it.Stacks:

Reactivus Login login page created almost only with Reactivus components.Stacks:

To-Do List simple to-do list inside a project with Next.js. Created as a method of practice to handle data storage and display.

Leaflet Map reac-leaflet and leaflet map inside a project with Next.js. Leaflet is an open source JavaScript library that helps us build virtual mapping applications such as this one.

E-commerce Minas Rural B2C sales website fully integrated with the company ERP system. Also integrated with the Painel Web where almost every
visual component such as banners and product pictures can be edited and updated in real time for the client.Stacks:

E-commerce Época Online B2B sales website fully integrated with the company ERP system. Also integrated with the Painel Web where almost every
visual component such as banners and product pictures can be edited and updated in real time for the client.Stacks:

Painel WebA web application used for e-commerce with editing functions and product and banner images.
Also used in order tracking. It also includes other features such as an inventory management panel.Stacks:

Coletor WebA web application focused on mobile use to carry out merchandise checking actions on incoming goods from suppliers,
checking outgoing orders, consulting products and counting products in inventories.Stacks:

Animated Carousel circular animated carousel animated only with css inside a project with Next.js . Created as a method of practice.Stacks:

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MySql DB

Oracle DB

Google GTM

Red Hat Linux

Ubunto Linux